Virtual Liver Transplant Support Group
Liver Transplant Support Group
Liver transplant support group meetings are open to Penn Medicine pre- and post- liver transplant patients, living donors, and caregivers. The support groups happen on every other Tuesday.
The groups run virtually from noon to 1 pm.
For more information, contact: Kimberley.Johnson@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Please click on an event below to view instructions on how to join online.
Liver Transplant Support GroupTuesday, February 4, 2025, 12 – 1 pm
Liver transplant support group meetings are open to Penn Medicine pre- and post- liver transplant patients, living donors, and caregivers. The support groups happen on every other Tuesday. The groups run virtually from 12 to 1 pm. For more information, contact: Kimberly Johnson All patients and family members are welcome.