Global Liver Institute

The #RareAware Advocate Toolkit this year was designed to empower individuals in sharing patient stories throughout Rare Liver Disease Month and beyond. Together, we made a difference by raising awareness, fostering connections, and driving meaningful change in rare liver diseases found in maternal, neonatal, and pediatric health.
Be #RareAware on Social Media
Follow GLI on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram and join the campaign by using #RareAware on all our platforms!
Sample Posts:
- February is Rare Liver Diseases Month. Use the hashtag #RareAware to spread awareness of rare liver diseases. Learn more here:
- I am #RareAware because [connection to rare liver diseases] @globalliver
- There are over 100 rare liver diseases, but many of them are unknown. #RareAware
- A #rareliverdisease is a #liver disease that affects a small portion of the population. #RareAware
- Rare diseases affect over 300 million people worldwide. #RareAware
#RareAware Graphics
Share these images on your social media accounts! Click on the image you would like to share and then right click (or long tap on mobile) to save it.

Show Your Support

Share your #Rare voice. Every post, share, and repost helps spread awareness and strengthens our collective impact. Right click on the image to save it, add your logo to our graphic and post it on your social media with the below suggested caption:
We are proud to support Global Liver Institute’s #RareAware campaign which aims to raise awareness on the different types of rare liver diseases, particularly in rural settings.

Share Your Story
Use the power of your personal story as a catalyst for change. Continue to share your experience with rare liver diseases with our team for the opportunity to be featured in our newsletter, on our website, and more.

Become a Liver Health Advocate
Register for GLI’s Advanced Advocacy Academy (A3)
GLI’s Advanced Advocacy Academy (A3) Symposium, a training program held annually in September, connects liver patients, caregivers, and family members with the information, skills, and opportunities that they need to effectively advocate for liver health across the health ecosystem.