Beyond the Diagnosis: Stories, Breakthroughs & Global Action – Fatty Liver Disease News
A Nurse, A Patient, A Journey
At the recent Primary Care MASLD and MASH Summit, hosted by Fatty Liver Alliance, hepatology nurse and patient France Martineau shared her personal journey with fatty liver disease, highlighting the challenges, small victories, and the power of patient support. In conversation with Jeff McIntyre, GLI’s VP of Liver Health, this session reinforced the importance of lived experiences in liver health. MASLD MASH Summit.png
Global Fatty Liver Day is on June 12!
Mark your calendars for Global Fatty Liver Day on June 12, 2025! Join us in raising awareness and driving action to combat fatty liver disease and its more advanced forms, worldwide. Partner with us to host events, share resources, and make a lasting impact on liver health.
Emerging Insights
Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is linked to sex-related and thyroid-related hormones in type 2 diabetes patients
A recent study found the risk for MAFLD was higher for men than women, reportedly for women, there was no statistically significant association between the sex or thyroid hormones;however, when compared to the male hormone progesterone, there was a positive correlation and an increased risk for MAFLD.
Fatty Liver Screening Gaps Emerge in HIV Care Survey
A survey of primary care providers found barriers when screening their HIV patients for NAFLD. Although NAFLD is prevalent for people with HIV (PWH), providers are reportedly unclear of which test to order for their patients. The study results support the need for increased MAFLD education and clinical practice guidelines which will be beneficial to HIVpractitioners.
Global burden of MAFLD, MAFLD-related cirrhosis and MASH-related liver cancer from 1990 to 2021
MAFLD, MAFLD-related cirrhosis, and MASH-related liver cancer rates are increasing globally. Middle- and low-income regions of the world are especially facing increasing disparities because of the changing socioeconomic landscape. Public health strategies are needed to address prevention, treatment, access to care, and education.
⬇️ Education Resources Available ⬇️
GLI is proud to offer a range of continuing education programs to support healthcare providers in expanding their knowledge and skills in MASLD and MASH. These programs provide valuable CE credits and are available until June 2025.
Endocrinologists and PCPs: The Frontline Defense Against Cirrhosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Through a partnership with the Global Learning Collaborative, GLI now offers this continuing education course on ReachMD. This series of bite-sized episodes will provide important information on MASLD and MASH in patients with type 2 diabetes. Drs. Naim Alkhouri, Robert Eckel, and physician assistant Tessa Janovsky discuss best practices for screening, diagnosis, treatment, and management of MASH/MASLD.
Build Your Own Case Study | Redefining MASLD/MASH Care: Personalized Strategies for Assessment, Diagnosis and Management
In collaboration with the Medical Learning Institute, GLI presents an interactive course to Build Your Own Case Study. Healthcare providers in the endocrinology specialty setting are challenged to be knowledgeable of the pathophysiology of MASLD and MASH and its associated risk factors, as well as feel confident about how and when to order noninvasive diagnostic tests to prevent the emergence of more severe complications and stay on top of current guidelines and emerging treatment options.
Upcoming Events
March 7 – 8, 2025: Desert Liver Conference, Arizona, USA
March 14 – 15, 2025: GLI’s Advanced Advocacy Academy, London, United Kingdom
March 20 – 22, 2025 – Liver Connect, San Antonio, Texas, USA