Community Liver Alliance: Fresh-a-Fare Culinary Event
Jamison Lamb Farm
171 Jamison Ln
Latrobe, PA 15650
$100 per ticket
Tickets are limited to a max of 50 guests
Fresh-a-Fare brings together the area’s premiere chefs to create a rustic-chic farm-to-table culinary event. Our guests enjoy a multi-course dinner in the great outdoors! We partner with local purveyors for all aspects of the event to reinforce the CLA’s commitment toward community and giving.
Funds raised through Fresh-a-Fare will remain in the community to support local patients through education support, and resources. Our investment in local research will inspire new treatments and cures for liver-related diseases.
Learn more: https://communityliveralliance.org/event/fresh-a-fare-2/