Global NASH Congress
Featuring GLI Vice President of Liver Health Programs, Jeff McIntyre
Date: March 2-3, 2023
Location: London Heathrow Marriott Hotel
NASH continues to be a huge unmet clinical need globally, and although no therapy has received regulatory approval, there continues to be research advancing our understanding of the disease’s mechanisms. Developments in non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers continue to offer the hope that they will replace liver biopsies and there have been improvements to in vivo liver models. All these are the focus of this year’s congress as well as new preclinical and clinical research. The most promising therapeutics in development and business case studies will also be featured at this meeting.
- Clinical readouts from companies in late stages (Inventiva, Galectin Therapeutics, etc.)
- Updates on obesity and NASH (Novo Nordisk, Altimmune, etc.)
- Non-invasive diagnosis and assessment of NASH in real-world clinical practice
- Review of the patient journey through Global Liver Institute’s “Liver Health is Public Health” Report
Register Here: https://www.global-engage.com/event/nash/#speakers