Global Liver Institute
Thank you for supporting the Liver Health is Public Health campaign! We prepared some graphics and captions to get you started as you spread awareness of liver health with your community:
The #liver is the largest solid #organ in the body. It removes toxins from the body’s blood supply, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, regulates blood clotting, and performs over 500 functions!
#Didyouknow that #liver transplantation is the second-most common solid #organ transplantation?
Unlike other organs, the liver can regenerate itself – so a #livertransplant can come from a healthy, living donor.
#LiverHealthisPublicHealth #TransplantTuesday
Mental health issues can be common for #liver patients, their families, & their #caregivers.
Let’s normalize talking about #mentalhealth!
#LiverHealthisPublicHealth #MentalHealthMatters
💡Did you know these 3 facts about Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the US? #liverhealth
If left untreated, Hepatitis can turn into liver cancer.
This #WorldHepatitisDay and everyday, we encourage testing for the prevention and management of disease.
Did you know that the most common risk factor for #livercancer is a chronic infection of hepatitis B & C? Join the conversation to reduce stigma and help end viral #hepatitis around the world.
#HepCantWait #LiverHealthisPublicHealth
Let’s uplift the voices of those currently living with viral #hepatitis.
We advocate for increased screening efforts for those unaware of their hepatitis status, and increase access to treatment for those diagnosed.
Women are 14% less likely than men to receive a #livertransplant & 9% more likely to die on the waitlist.
#DidYouKnow that men are 2x as likely as women to die of liver cirrhosis?
For men, #hepB & alcohol-associated #liverdisease are the main causes.
Be part of the movement to raise awareness of liver health and elevate it to take its place in the global public health agenda.
For more information or to join the Liver Health is Public Health Initiative, please email