Global Liver Institute

GLI Live



At Global Liver Institute, we believe it all starts with a patient.

Over a billion and a half people around the world are currently living with liver disease – and that number continues to rise each day. Liver disease poses a big global threat, which means there are big conversations to be had. Every Wednesday, we sit down with experts from policymakers to patient advocates to clinicians to research executives and more to have high-level conversations about the policies, people, and global forces that affect the patients with liver disease and their families.

Make sure to tune in every Wednesday at 12:00PM ET live on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook to hear the latest in the field.


History of GLI LIVE:

GLI LIVE started in March 2020, as a COVID-19 response program for liver patients. It has now evolved into a weekly educational show with tailored information for patients living with liver diseases on a variety of timely topics.

In this episode of GLI LIVE, our host, Donna Cryer, is joined by guest Claude Sirlin, MD, liver and metabolic imaging specialist and founder and director of UC San Diego’s Liver Imaging Group. Dr. Sirlin shares more about the standardization of liver cancer imaging and how equitable access to this technology can be achieved.

In this episode of GLI LIVE, our host, Donna Cryer, is joined by guest Claude Sirlin, MD, liver and metabolic imaging specialist and founder and director of UC San Diego’s Liver Imaging Group. Dr. Sirlin shares more about the standardization of liver cancer imaging and how equitable access to this technology can be achieved.

YouTube Video UExqMWFXM3l6RnhLTlRyajBrR3JTblhYZUl6SW9kVnpqdS5BNEY4RDc0MzMyNDAyQjAx

GLI LIVE: Setting a Standard for Liver Cancer Imaging #OctoberIs4Livers

In this episode of GLI LIVE our host, Donna Cryer, is joined by guest Dr. Sheldon Fields, a long term nursing provider, educator, and advocate as well as the 14th President of the National Black Nurses Association, to discuss the role of nursing – and Black nurses – in the fight to advance health equity.

In this episode of GLI LIVE our host, Donna Cryer, is joined by guest Dr. Sheldon Fields, a long term nursing provider, educator, and advocate as well as the 14th President of the National Black Nurses Association, to discuss the role of nursing – and Black nurses – in the fight to advance health equity.

YouTube Video UExqMWFXM3l6RnhLTlRyajBrR3JTblhYZUl6SW9kVnpqdS45NTBGQjA2RDUzMTJFM0VF

GLI LIVE: Advancing Health Equity through and within Nursing – #OctoberIs4Livers Series

GLI LIVE – The Podcast

Launched in June 2022, GLI LIVE: The Podcast is an audio-only version featuring GLI LIVE episodes, new and from the vault, to reach an audience on the go. 

Find GLI LIVE: The Podcast available on major podcast platforms or wherever you get your podcasts.

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