Global Liver Institute announces a partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Nearly a third of U.S. Veterans are at risk or are currently living with liver disease – and many are undiagnosed.
“GLI believes in equitable access to information, support, and care for liver health for all — especially our nation’s Veterans,” said Chief Operating Officer at the Global Liver Institute Larry Holden. “By partnering with VA, we have a tremendous opportunity to expand liver health education, connections, and opportunities for Veterans and their providers.”
Check out our newly launched webpage for more information.
Global Liver Institute partners with ShareCare’s patient experience lab to assess the public’s knowledge about liver cancers
During Liver Cancer Awareness Month in October, GLI and ShareCare’s patient experience lab released a short survey with general questions about liver cancer such as rates of liver cancer in the U.S. per ethnic group, leading risk factor of liver cancer, and detection of liver cancer.
With 3,482 survey responses, 60% of the respondents still believe that excessive alcohol consumption is the leading risk factor of liver cancer whereas only 16% chose the actual leading risk factor of liver cancer, viral hepatitis B. View more of the results of the survey:

Working towards Hepatitis C Eradication in Egypt
As recently as 2015, Egypt had one of the highest rates of hepatitis C infection in the world – an estimated 1 in 10 Egyptians was chronically infected. In response, the country launched a public health campaign in which the entire population was screened for hepatitis C. Egypt arranged a deal to discount drugs, making the treatment available to everyone infected with the virus and is well on the way to eliminating hepatitis C! Now, Egypt serves as a role model and even a donor of treatments in the global campaign to eliminate hepatitis C.
Liver Regeneration and Liver Cancer Surgery
MD Anderson Cancer Center has emerged as a pioneering force in preoperative portal vein embolization, a technique that promotes liver growth before surgery. While the liver has the ability to regenerate, doctors must leave at least 30 percent of the liver intact for it to grow.This requirement means that not all liver cancer patients are eligible for liver resection surgery. To address this limitation, MD Anderson has started delivering particles to the diseased section of the liver, effectively blocking blood flow to that section, allowing the healthy portion to increase in size. This approach enables otherwise ineligible patients to meet the 30 percent requirement for resection.
New Advancements In the Treatment of iCCA
A new treatment for patients with rearrangement-positive cholangiocarcinoma (otherwise known as FGFR2 fusion) has been approved by the FDA. The drug, futibatinib, is the first of its kind to covalently bind selective FGFR inhibitors and receive approval by the FDA. In trials, futibatinib has shown an 83% observed disease control rate in patients with advanced/metastatic intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Because molecular profiling is best suited for treating patients with cholangiocarcinoma, this new drug offers patients with this rare form of cancer a brighter future.
GLI Liver Cancers Department Speaks at the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer 2023 Update Meeting
On November 20, Sarah Manes, GLIs Liver Cancers Program Director, virtually attended the BCLC 2023 Update Meeting, where she spoke as a panelist about Patient Frailty and the Patient Journey. Thanks to Dr. Maria Reig and her team for this opportunity to talk about patient advocacy and education!

Check out our Liver Central website to learn more about liver cancer and stay up-to-date on the latest innovations. Explore fact sheets, educational videos, and webinars that are customized just for you!
Upcoming Events:
December 7, 2023: Liver Cancers Council meeting at 12pmEST, please contact sponce@globalliver.org for more information.
December 13, 2023: Cancer Support Group- for any cancer type and stage
December 14, 2023: Update on Rare Primary Liver Cancers
December 19, 2023: Cancer Caregiver Support Group
For more information about the Liver Cancers Council or to learn more about joining, please visit https://globalliver.org/liver-cancers-council/ or email cancer@globalliver.org, sponce@globalliver.org